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First Annual "Dirty Thirty" Ride

Some of the Century Cycles crew got together for Cinco de Mayo 2006 for a night-time ride from Peninsula to downtown Akron and back, with "rest" stops along the way. Watch out for Dirty Thirty II in 2007!

Viktor, Jeff, Brent, and Doug at the Winking Lizard Tavern

Scott and Kevin


Brent and Jeff


Justin and Brent

Scott B and Viktor



Jeff, Kathy, Scott, and Brent

Dinner at Mariachi Coco's in the Merriman Valley

Scott, Derrick, and Kathy

Jeff, Scott B, and Viktor


Kathy, Bob, Justin, and Mary

Viktor, Scott, Brent, Kevin, Amanda, Doug, Justin, Jeff, Scott B, Derrick, and Bob

Scott B and Doug outside the Lime Spider

Scott B, Doug, Brent, and Justin on Main Street

Bike parking at the Nut House


Brent, Justin, Scott B, and Doug at the Nut House

Scott B and Doug on the trail home