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Staff Mini-Retreat 2004

Dec. 2, 2004

The Century Cycles staff got together for a mini-retreat to talk about how we can best serve our customers during the coming holiday and winter season, and to have a little fun afterwards. We met at the historic Boston Store building, located on the Ohio & Lake Erie Canal Towpath Trail near our Peninsula store. After the meeting, we killed a little time at the Winking Lizard on Miles Rd, before heading out to play WhirlyBall!

Petch and Gary S.


Jeff at the buffet


Scott, Keith, Adam, Don B, Matthew, and Michael (seated)


Gary H and Don S.


Adam and Ken


Derrick, Jeff, and Doug

Matt S, Petch, Keith


Lois, Gary H, Gary S, and Petch


Jeff, Doug, Matt S, and Adam


Dennis and Doug

Gary H.




Gary H, Dennis, and Scott


Looks like a score for the yellow team!

Play action...


Gary S sets up a score for the red team.

A battle for the rebound!

Jeff and Dennis


Doug sets up a run for the goal.


Al! Over here, I'm open!


Gary S, Matt S, Petch, Doug, and Al


Jeff and Don S.


Michael goes for the scoop.


Michael, Petch, Don s, Keith, Kevin, Doug, Katelynn, Gary S, Gary H.

Al and Katelynn


Don S, Doug, Petch, and Michael


Lois and Matt S

Jeff, Matt S, Keith (in red), and Katelynn