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Buy Now, Pay Later with Affirm

Pay at your own pace with Affirm

When inspiration strikes, Affirm helps you say yes without giving up financial control. Choose Affirm to pay over time—and never pay a penny more than you agree to on day one.

Buying with Affirm is simple

In Person

If you want to make your purchase in person in one of our three stores, just come on in, and we will help you get started with the easy application process.

On this website

  1. Fill your shopping cart and make a note of the total purchase amount.
  2. Click this button to begin the application process:
  3. After you will receive your account credentials, return to your shopping cart and use them to complete the checkout process.

PLEASE NOTE: If you create your Affirm account using the "Apply Now" button above, you can ONLY use your account to make purchases on this website. Do use use the button above if you'd like to make your purchase in person in one of our stores.

Buy with confidence

With Affirm, you always know exactly what you'll owe and when you'll be done paying.

Transparent Affirm tells you up front the total amount you’ll pay. That number will never go up.

Flexible You choose the payment schedule that works for you.

Fair Affirm won’t charge you late fees or penalties of any kind, ever

Payment options through Affirm are subject to an eligibility check and are provided by these lending partners: