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Scene: Perfect Fit

As appeared in Scene's Summer Guide issue on May 23, 207:

Perfect Fit

Get outta da club and into the game.

by Kristen Hampshire

Fitness clubs are too stuffy for a summer workout. Who wants to be wedged between spandex-clad StairMaster zealots sweatin' to early-90's rap, when it's sunny and gorgeous outside?

Fortunately, you've got options. And unlike some "recreational" pastimes, these actually do a body good.

We've outlined a few of our faves below - one for every walk (run, row, sail, whatever) of life. The upside of joining a non-fitness club - other  than the peer-to-peer motivational talks - is the socializing and camaraderie that generally follow a good hard sweat. (Disclaimer: Drinking after workout may restore whatever calories were just burned. But life is about balance. And justificatino. If you burn it, you can consume it...or something like that.)


Century Cycles' Night Rides keep it simple: Meet at 8 p.m. and bring a bike. The Towpath in Peninsula is a flat, easy terrain that doesn't require fancy equipment or legs like Lance Armstrong. There's no pressure to get anywhere fast. For regular Night Riders, the casual meet-up is an opportunity to swap stories about cycling adventures or trade gear tips. But the group "cooldown" at Peninsula's Winking Lizard Tavern generates stories all its own. One employee remembers when a co-worker at the shop met his future wife at the Lizard. His first words to her were "Did you know your crank set is on recall?" Very casual.

Get Fit: Call 1-330-657-2209, or visit for more information.